
    Tuesday, March 30, 2010

    Of Transitions

    This may be one of the worst analogies I've ever drawn, but please bear with me.

    My generation, our generation, is the generation that can characterize and mark our childhood and teenage years with the emergence of computer technology. We were the first generation to be trained on old DOS operating systems, the first generation required to take courses on computer technology, the first generation blessed with the delete button, and the first generation trained in Microsoft Office.

    I remember making my very first Power Point presentation in Middle School. I remember the class where I was taught how to create slides and how to use Word Art. I remember being graded on my ability to duplicate a certain number of slides in a certain amount of time. I can remember being charged with designing creative presentations, and being graded on how well said presentation "flowed".

    Do any of you remember slide and audio transitions in Power Point? I can remember that no presentation was complete without slide and audio transitions. To really make your presentation sparkle, you would animate your graphics, text boxes, and slides. Your grade was often substantially better if you knew how to incorporate this fun feature into your presentation. So we would rush through our preliminary color schemes and blocks of text to begin work on slide transitions.

    You were given options like: dissolve, checker-box, left fade, up-fade, vertical-bars, etc. I'm not sure but I believe these options are still available in today's latest release of Office. Anyway, back on point, we always added these slide "transitions" to our presentations. The seemed to make the project flow seamlessly and captivate our adolescent audiences when we had to actually make an oral presentation.

    I can remember, as we grew older and more mature, we stopped using slide transitions. Is this true for you as well? We were no longer fascinated by the grey bars bouncing across the screen or the random checker-box that would blink into the next slide. We recognized that, in the "business world", people really just wanted the information explained to them. No one cared about fancy, fun transitions. In fact, they were often considered a distraction and, even stranger, often were characteristic of a poorly designed presentation.

    So, what happened? Why did we stop using transitions? Why and when did teachers, business moguls, and higher-ups began to consider their use childish and sloppy? When did we stop being fascinated by these "transitions".

    The simple answer is that we grew up. In the same way that cartoons don't captivate us in the ways that they used to, we grew away. We don't need cartoons to placate us anymore. We don't need transitions anymore. We are able to focus. We are able to move on often seamlessly. Is this a characteristic of adulthood - the ability to operate without the need for transitions.

    I'm now speaking about our own personal lives in regards to schooling, jobs, and relationships. Do we need a transition when moving from one job to the next? Do we need a sparkly transition when moving from one relationship to the next? Speaking on romantic relationships - most people, after being devastated by the ending of a relationship often seek a "rebound" - a "transition". Personally, I find the need or use of a "rebound" to be somewhat immature.

    Now before you get angry with me and call me names and say "who the hell are you to tell me that I'm immature", let me clearly define what a "rebound", a "transition", is. My best definition of a rebound would be when one person seeks to fill a void in his/her life by "filling" that void with another person, another presence, or another relationship. When a romantic relationship ends, especially for those of us who have been involved in substantially long relationships, there IS a void created. You have all this free time on your hands. You have to begin to formulate new plans in your own life. You have to try to look past the storm and either travel into a different clear plain or resolve to wait out said storm.

    It is no secret that to fill this "void" with a new presence or relationship does make our "transitional" period easier. We can better function in our day to day. We can better mask our pains. We can better hide behind someone else. AND we can simply fill up the empty spaces in our own lives with someone new. The void is temporarily filled. Man was never made to be alone, so it's no secret that he would not want to deal with his own life or problems on his own.

    To be clear - I'm not saying that it's always a good idea to face your problems head on - alone. I'm not saying that God hasn't placed people in our lives to help us through tough time - believe me, I know He has and am truly grateful for such friends. I'm not saying that we shouldn't "lean" on others. I'm saying that we shouldn't fill our void with another similar presence. We shouldn't "replace" said void.

    If you know anything about "rebounds" or "transitions" you know that they often fail. Why is that, one may ask. I believe that rebounds fail because we don't enter into these new relationships primarily because we feel something real. We enter into these new relationships because they make us feel comfortable; they fill that void. They make us FEEL good. They make us FEEL safe. They make us FEEL better. Too many problems in our own lives and in our world are caused because we love doing what we FEEL. Instead of doing what you FEEL, do what is BEST, do what is RIGHT. To operate seeking to feel good or to satisfy your own selfish feelings is a mark of immaturity; make no mistake.

    The need to immediately fill a relational void in one's life after a recent fallout is a characteristic of human immaturity in my opinion.

    The "mature" thing to do, again in my opinion, is to spend a transitional time bettering oneself. Spend a transitional time bettering friendships. Spend a transitional time making new and meaningful relationships. If you can do this, if you can work towards your own goals, if you can strengthen yourself with the help of you friends, THEN you will come out, in a month, in two months, in three months, however long it may take stronger, defined, directional, intentional, and BETTERED.

    Spend time seeking out what YOU want for YOURSELF. Don't surround yourself with influences and people who think they know the ways of the world. How do you know if you're being "influenced", because we often don't see it and argue that it's even happening. Take a look at your life, before you began to fill a void or make a change. See if that change has caused you to compromise your values, your morals, or your core beliefs. If that change has caused any of that, then I can promise you beyond any doubt that you, my friend, are being "influenced". You aren't making your own decisions, but rather feeding off the opinions and conclusions of others. This is a mark of immaturity.

    Sorry - that was a tangent.

    Anyway…. I hope you caught the gist of my analogy and were possibly helped through my ramblings on.

    A final word.

    For friends I know who struggle with this.

    If you are someone who desperate clings to human relationships and still can't help wanting to immediately fill the "void", know that there aren't many relationships that came into full fruition without being grown from a seed. In the same way that trees that are uprooted and planted elsewhere often die off quickly, romantic relationships that begin abruptly often die. If you spend your transitional time cultivating or making new meaningful relationships, getting to know people, and planting seeds, you may find that one day one of these seeds could grow and bloom into something more. Simply stated, you need to be friends with someone before you can be anything more (in my opinion).

    AND NOW…….for some good musics and a CRAZY AWESOME DANCE VIDEO!

    A Little Shimmy Never Hurt Anyone (Passion Pit Dance)

    Bo King - Brittany Delaney - Alex Sibley

    Damion Suomi - Ghost

    Joseph Arthur - Say Goodbye

    Monday, March 29, 2010

    Today I Am An Abecedarian

    (Kind of a sloppy Blog this morning because I'm tired and still have much studying to do)

    Tomorrow Comes Soon?

    Today I am an abecedarian.

    Today I am a tiro.

    Today I am learned.

    Today I am prime.

    Today I am an aficionado.

    Today I am a devotee.

    Today I am alone.

    Today I am seeking.

    Today I will ameliorate.

    Today I will improve.

    Today I will assay.

    Today I will believe.


    Today I long.

    Today I wait.

    Today I struggle.

    Today I fate.

    Today I pine.

    Today I trust.

    Today I listen.

    Today I must.

    Today I mull.

    Today I muse.

    Today I ponder.

    Today I choose.

    Today I pray.

    Today I heed.

    Today I stutter.

    Tomorrow, she will see.

    There Tomorrow, we will be.

    -Dragan Alexader

    (follow me on Twitter)


    He Wishes For The Cloths Of Heaven

    “Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths,

    Enwrought with golden and silver light,

    The blue and the dim and the dark cloths

    Of night and light and the half-light,

    I would spread the cloths under your feet:

    But I, being poor, have only my dreams;

    I have spread my dreams under your feet;

    Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.”

    - William Butler Yeats

    Thoughts and Reflection

    Such a beautiful passage. This particular piece struck home with me this week. To whom the author was addressing, I know not. I do personally believe he must have felt a great deal of love and devotion to have put to words such a feeling that I have often found difficult to express. I know the feeling very well. I hope that in the future, I'll have much more to offer than simply my dreams, although ones dreams and ambitions ARE in fact one of the greatest gifts to give to another; not to give up on ones dreams but to include another in their unfolding. I must say that my own dreams and ambitions are an extreme driving force in my own life and I long to share them with another one day soon. I pray each day now for a revelation in my own life. I pray each day now for true and unwavering love. Make no mistake my friends, love is very real. I believe whole heartedly that Mr. Lennon had it right when he said, "Love is all you need". Such a simplistic and yet profound statement. Thanks much John.

    And now for some truly great new musics.

    Ryan Adams and the Cardinals - Goodnight Rose

    Ryan Adams and Neal Casal - Let It Ride

    Saturday, March 27, 2010

    Do You Know My Name?

    Do You Know My Name?

    Temperance! What small favors do you impart? What grace do you bestow?

    What have I gained?

    What have I lost?

    Self indulgence. Mindless self indulgence. Mindless self indulgence bereft of consequence?

    Inconsistence breeds doubt. Untreated doubt transforms into incredulity. Incredulity, when unknown, cannot be addressed and therefore cannot be negated.

    Acuity! Why have you failed me?

    Perception! What have you ailed me?

    Sincerity was always my intention. To love and to be loved was always my greatest dream. To attend was a pleasure. To be attended to wasn’t a necessity but rather a very precious gift.

    Love! Oh, love. Wolves would never have been so cunning. Sheep would never have been so inviting. Vultures would never have been so thorough.


    Do you dwell on distant shores? Are you as close as my skin? Do you lay in wait disguised as transient opposition. Do you know my name?

    Do you know my name?

    -Dragan Alexander

    And now a few great musics - cause I haven't posted any in a quite some time.

    Joseph Arthur - Temporary People

    Ryan Adams - Two Hearts

    Wednesday, March 24, 2010

    Revelation Through Longing

    I fell asleep one day during a thick and meaningless hour of which I can’t and have no longing to recall. I rose from my seat and drifted into a scene that now, after careful thought and many formed and aptly discarded theories, I can only attribute to my own disgust with my then and current state of mind and lack of any comforting form of even tired complacency. The scene was that of a cold and lifeless figure with eyes of stone and the swaggered movements of a timely facade that I knew was not and could not have been feigned; for I knew it all the well. I immediately recognized the figure as a rather short and averagely built male, middle aged and careworn. His hands no longer trembled as he carried out his day to day tasks, though how I knew that said hands once had trembled, I knew not. His eyes were glazed with the look of deepest and sincere longing that had long faded into calloused and sterile saucers of self forced ease. His shoulders were hunched over causing his height to dwindle even more-so; so weak and frail and yet firm in his lowly stature. His appearance was such; as if a gust of wind could blow right along past him and, instead of proceeding to blow him over as would be expected likewise of other frail creatures, would take a little of him along with it possibly to discard over the landscapes of it’s later travels. I wanted to reach out and offer him a resolution or some form of instantaneous hope but my fingers curled back into my chilled palm as I realized that I wasn’t capable of producing the words that would consol him. For what seemed like days I drifted and watched as his movements and speech each blended together. I glanced toward the clear glass pane that walled the southern part of the enclosure in which he sat.

    Suddenly my waning attention was drawn quickly to a flurry of movement to the left of the enclosure. Outside and seemingly unknown to the careworn shadow and sole occupant of my previous cognitive state sat a small boy upon a wooden swing set. His playful smile was so illuminating, so absorbing, wholly commanding in my fullness of attention, that I almost failed to notice the smallish brown-eyed woman alongside him. Her hair, filled with morning dew and sparkling in the sunlight cast tiny white reflections on the side of the glassy enclosure. Movement from the right drew my attention back to the careworn figure confined. His face was now pressed longingly against the glass, tears streaming down his cheeks already beginning to form small pools at his feet. A wave of the sincerest longing came upon me like an icy wind on a reasonably calm night; ruthless and without the slightest amount of warning.

    My knees buckled and my heart raced. My palms perspired and my shoulders ached. My former calm? Thy name was fire; ablaze with retention and burning desire.

    As my consciousness began to undulate as the scene began to fade I found myself awake and alone in a primitive state. Recollection and anamnesis are often the most destructive of human abilities, BUT past possible precognition is a hell of which words cannot bear meaning.

    It is now that I strive to forget the scene in which I have just described; the scene in which I cannot bear; the scene that I will NOT let come into being. A wise man once said that the core of man’s existence comes from new experiences. I will experience. I will adapt. I will persist. I will discover. I will love. Though the faces and in the sunlight depiction outside my glassy prison may yet still futuristically exist, they will have changed in way, shape and form; new personalities, new dreams, and veracious devotion. Time bears truths; some unfolding, others in waiting.

    A Prayer: Let that in which will unfold, unfold. Let that in which lay in wait, be revealed. Reveal to me my true earthly guiding star. Let her be unto me an angelic presence; delicate, pure, enlightening, intriguing, encompassing, comforting, faithful, and uplifting. I wait for Your instruction. I wait for Your direction. I wait for Your revelation.

    May my love (which begins now through earnest prayer) eclipse any inadequate definition of “love” this world has to offer making my presence known to her as her presence is made known to me. Show me a manner in which to love that sets fire, that cannot be ignored, and that is pleasing to You.

    Show me how to love.

    I have so much yet to give, and I long with an earnest and humble heart to simply give it.

    Today I begin the rest of my life.

    Monday, March 22, 2010

    "We Feel" and "Sundays in The City"

    We FEEL

    We feel. The human race is a complicated species. Unlike every other form of life on our green planet, it is the human being who is fully equipped and capable of feeling emotion. The type of emotion experienced or felt by other species in which many humans form bonds with (cats, dogs, horses, chipmunks, whatever) is vastly lacking in complexity when compared to that of any one person. Our minds have higher thinking processes. Our minds are capable of recalling memories rather than simply being conditioned. When a dog begins to mistrust it’s owner or our race in general, the “math” behind said distrust stems or can be attributed to learned behavior rather than the recollection of unpleasant memories.

    All that being said to say yet again that we, the human race, feel. It is important to recognize that the word “feel” does not only apply to physical pain or pleasure but to emotional elation or depression.

    I’ve often wondered what it would be like to not feel. If you’ve ever seen the movie “Equilibrium”, it is that question that is addressed. The movie depicts a word void of emotion. In this word, the human race simply lives to carry on as a race rather than taking joy or experiencing sorrow in their existence. At first glance one would probably suggest that a world free of sorrow would be a grand existence. Imagine a world where there was no pain, no grief, no death, no emotional backlash. Sounds pretty good eh? Sound a bit like heaven to me. We forget, however, that our world is nothing like heaven. There is “sin” in our world. So, a world without sorrow and only joy simply could not exist due to the fact that, in our world, someone’s joy or pleasure may cause another pain or may be at the expense of someone else. This is because we are a flawed species riddled with selfishness, hatred, violence, unforgiving hearts, lies, deceit, blame, and guilt.

    Not only is our species flawed, but our world as well - Earthquakes, tsunamis, global warming, deprivation, etc. These things cannot be simply taken care of with a drug. So to remove emotions from the race wouldn’t even come close to “fixing” the problems that grief, sorrow, selfishness, etc. cause. To truly live in a perfect existence, the human race as well as the world would have to be “fixed”. We cannot create a heaven on earth.

    Because our world is flawed we must endure the sorrows of this life. We must face difficult times. We must have our own worlds torn apart. We must have our hearts broken. We must hurt. We must hurt because it is through our pain and sorrow that we learn. It is through our pain and sorrow that we are made stronger. Who ever heard of being made stronger through times of joy or pleasure?

    This has been a difficult concept for me to grasp as of late, BUT I think I’m finally beginning to understand. We cannot hope to survive in this world without having ever experienced pain or sorrow. We are being strengthened through our trials.

    A now to better say what I have tried to say (because today’s insight was pretty poorly written):

    Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

    The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position. But the one who is rich should take pride in his low position, because he will pass away like a wild flower. For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich man will fade away even while he goes about his business.

    Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

    James 1:2-12 (NIV)



    Enough of my ranting.

    Yesterday was a great day. I went to church and heard an incredible message on something that I really needed to hear. At First Irving we’ve been doing a weekly study on the names of God. The name Pastor John chose to address this week was “Jehovah Rophe”. Rophe in Hebrew means “to heal” and “to restore” and “to mend”. This was extremely encouraging for me.

    Life has seasons of joy and bitterness. Life really is “fair” because eventually all of us are broken by it. God does not bring us to bitter waters to make us bitter, but to test what is genuinely inside.

    It’s not the miracles that deepen our faith; it’s the difficulties.

    A story on this subject can be found in Exodus 15:22-27. A short synopsis would be that even after Moses performed a miracle through God in the desert by giving the Israelites water, they still doubted 3 days later and began grumbling.

    Miracles don’t do much to strengthen our faith.

    In the case of “Rophe” – “to heal” / “to restore”, the meaning does not only apply to physical healing but emotional healing as well. The revelation, though I knew it already, was very comforting.

    “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” – Psalm 147:3

    The wounds here that are addressed in Psalms are “emotional” wounds rather than physical.


    So from church I spent a few hours napping which was very beneficial due to the fact that I ended up staying out semi-late last night. I had dinner with Skyler and Tori (chicken enchiladas and a crazy awesome fruit tart courtesy of Tori – delicious) and finally opened up my package of Fantasia – Strawberry Lemonade shisha – VERY flavorful – definitely a new favorite.

    From Skyler and Tori’s we headed to a hip new little bar/venue in Deep Ellum called “La Grange” to see The Fiero’s play. To say that they did well would be a vast understatement. For fans of The Black Keys and Jet. Raw guitars. Soaring harmonies. Bendy overdriven solos. Everyone should check them out.

    They fit very nicely into that whole “music that causes one to feel”, “music of substance” rant I went on a few blogs ago. There’s something “soul tugging” about an overdriven Gibson Hollowbody screaming from a small stage. It’s all about the growls and the shrieks. You can definitely feel it in your core. Ah, Blues Rock – you have made me a believer in the power of human emotion – “Music you can feel”.

    From the show we headed to The Prophet Bar to hang out with Erick and friends as the shift ended. Funny story – so there was this one drunken idiot at the bar who apparently decided to get up on stage and “rap” about some really perverse things which involved one of the lady bartenders we know. When she refused to serve him afterwards, he called her some names and stormed out. Needless to say, all of us, especially Erick, were pretty sour towards the guy. And so, Erick took it upon himself, being the chivalrous gentleman he is, to confront the guy and demand he apologize for what he had said. The conversation that followed was pretty awkward yet hilarious.

    Drunk Guy: “Man, I’m a cool %&*$# dude. I bring love. You coming all over hear spreading mad negatively like you’re gonna $%&^* fight me. I’m a cool ^%&*^ dude and you’re making me feel like %&#%! I’m all about bringing the love! Peace!”

    Well, the guy never apologized and Erick was as nice about it as you can possibly be in this situation, but the whole conversation was like trying to explain astro-physics to a 12 year old. The guy apparently thought there was nothing wrong with what he had said and that it should have been flattering. Pretty strange what too much alcohol can do to you. Haha

    So the night was good. Today has been pretty boring with school and such but I look forward to tomorrow and being able to check out a new church that has a Tuesday night college thing. It’s great to have things to look forward to again; things of substance; nights like last night; days like Saturday; “good” times with “great” people.

    On a final note…… so yeah health care……have fun with that…….I’m heading to Nazareth – home of the first American.

    Sunday, March 21, 2010

    The New Born

    The New Born.

    In silence he staggers through an open doorway. In incredulity he slowly runs his tongue over chapped lips. A foreign taste remains. A novel outlook there lingers. A predilection.

    In stillness he peers through an open window. In veneration he stretches his arms wide as to grasp the repose of an untested day. A salty aspiration enters; a piquant aroma looming. An ataraxis.





    Beginnings. Gestation. Maturation. Time.


    Guidance, please.



    Happiness. Shared. Oneness. Fulfillment.

    - Dragan Alexander


    I hope you guys like my short poem there. Sometimes I believe that a feeling is best conveyed through a more intimate form of expression.

    It’s a beautiful day today, and I’m feeling great. I’m a little tired, and yet, I feel recharged. My day yesterday was nothing short of incredible. I was able to unwind and have real fun for the first time in a very long time. It was like coming out of a long stretch, sitting back, and feeling the blood rush through your veins again.

    I attribute this “sitting back”, this relaxation, this ataraxis to good times with good people; good friends and new memories. I’m very thankful for the people God has placed in my life who lift me up and provide comforting words and positive counsel. I have without a doubt that people, true friends, such as these will not only receive the same care and concern in return from a very grateful recipient (me) but also heavenly rewards. “When you love, God’s light shines upon you” – Quote taken from Ron Franz from “Into the Wild”

    I feel like I’ve entered into the beginning of the rest of my life – simply stated. I’ve been caught in suspension for many weeks now. I’ve been so wrapped up in my problems that I’ve been unable to raise my eyes to the horizon; unable to look ahead. There are new stars on the horizon line. From my balcony I can see distant glimmers of new experiences; new frontiers. AND feel the light traveling through the darkness, headed strait for my lens to be discovered and made evident in the near future.

    Enough of my metaphors.

    Yesterday I woke up before God even had a chance to hit snooze. We were planning on attending Forty Fest in North Texas, an all day music event BUT God had other plans so it would seem.

    “God said no” – for Hunter.

    So we drove on into Dallas and had a great lunch at The Village Burger Bar (best burgers ever). I’m not sure, but I was told that a few “guys” there were eyeing me the whole time, and The Burger Bar being the kind of place it is, they probably weren’t simply wondering what brand my jacket was if you catch my drift. I guess flattering yet uncomfortably creepy.

    From there we made our way into Mockingbird station where I was somehow able to keep my wallet in my pocket and abstain from purchasing anything. I had a funny situation occur in Buffalo Exchange afterward. - So a few days ago I sold about half of my clothes for $40 to B.E. Upon my return, I found several of my old shirts for sale there for $15-$20 a piece! So apparently B.E. is going to make around a $200-$300 profit off my clothes. Haha

    From there we ventured on over to South Lamar and Opening Bell Coffee Shop where we caught up with an old friend who works there and I attempted to play a guitar with a broken nut – not a good idea when the guitar stays in a constant drop D even when in standard tuning. From Opening Bell – to Campisi’s which I guess would rank around 6 or 7 on my “Best Pizza Ever” scale. One being The Mellow Mushroom in ATX. Two being Homeslice in ATX. And probably three being Alex’s homemade pizza in APT 5305 on the DBU campus.

    After dinner we watched “Into the Wild”; hence my constant quotations as I’ve seen it 3 times in 3 days. It’s such a great movie with such a great message. The music is pretty dang good too. I have to say I probably like Eddie’s compositions on the soundtrack better than the new Pearl Jam album.

    So, there was my day in a few brief paragraphs. Oh yeah, and it snowed……in Dallas……Again.

    Glad I can write. Glad you guys enjoy reading my thoughts sometimes.

    In closing,

    Some people are simply incredible to be around.

    “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” – C.S. Lewis

    Friday, March 19, 2010

    "Time, Peace, Prayer, and Friends"

    I begin today’s blog in a much better mood and demeanor. For weeks now I’ve been in constant prayer for a sense of peace. Though I’ve already blogged about this and spoken to many of you about it, I feel compelled to speak on it again. Yes, it’s true I have been experiencing a peace at times throughout the day that makes absolutely no sense at all in my life’s current circumstances. I attribute that to your constant prayers and concerns of which I am very grateful for. This peace, however, has been short lived at best and quickly dissipates in time.

    Time is a bittersweet foe. Many songs and pieces of poetry have been written regarding the “plague” of time’s toll on us all. Best said, time is not on your side. Time alone is even worse. Time alone serves one purpose. It gives the person in question real “time” to deal with their own problems on their own – simply stated. When in difficult times we look to friends and distractions to get our mind off of the trials in our own lives. While these “distractions” provide a short lived sense of comfort, they can be ultimately damaging because they postpone our having to deal with our problems.

    I’ve always been a fairly confrontational person. So, I like to deal quickly and get my problems taken care of right away. I DO NOT like to let things simmer or sweep things under the rug. That being said, I feel that I’m utterly incapable of benefiting from said “distractions”. I often take little comfort in the presence of anything that is attempting to distract me from my looming problems. I am unable to focus and unable to be still. I am just a fairly weird individual. I am definitely NOT an avoider. In my opinion, problems are best taken care of right away before any more damage can be done. That’s simply my personal opinion and nothing more.

    So what happens when it becomes impossible to take care of or confront your problems? This is a very tricky question for me because in situations that involved two or more parties, problems cannot be confronted or solved unless all who are involved are willing to begin reconciliation and take the steps necessary to be rid of the offending sense of despondency. When it becomes impossible for confrontation and resolution to occur, I become very weak and helpless; powerless and resentful. How does one such as I get past said situation?

    I began to pray for peace. I began to pray for a peace that would wash over my mind and heart; calming my erratic thoughts and overwhelmed being. I can’t tell you that I received this peace immediately. I can’t tell you that once I began to earnestly seek after it, there it arrived. I can’t tell you that I still don’t have minor break downs throughout the day. BUT, I can’t tell you that today is the very first day in a long time where I woke to find myself overjoyed with restored hope and a peace that surpasses all understanding.

    I don’t know how it occurred or when exactly I began to experience this. I have an idea, but am still searching for meaning and definite answers in scripture and my own life. I pray that this would be a lasting peace especially this weekend. I pray that this new hope would remain alive and strong allowing me to continue on without regret or shame.

    My day yesterday was a crazy down-up day emotionally. Upon awaking, I felt hopeless and filled with doubts and ultimate fears. I began to dwell on those, which provided zero comfort or relief; quite the opposite, BUT did allow my to gather a much needed perspective on my life and my circumstances. My head has been so clouded with so many emotions in this last week that I believe I have failed at times to think logically. Yesterday, I began that thought process, which isn’t over but has begun. I believe that logic and the ability to decipher one’s own scattered thought processes are a gift from God.

    After a day of intense logic based situational soul searching I had the opportunity to meet up with an old friend. The night took a complete turn from the moment we began speaking, due to the fact that I have a problem not speaking about my own problems and began to ramble about my goings on of which, unbeknownst to me, she was very much able to identify with. It is always very comforting to connect with someone who has gone through a similar circumstance. I value these opinions above most.

    Many of you have been there for me throughout my entire ordeal and given me mountains of advice, which I very much appreciate and take into consideration even when I don’t actually “take” your advice. That being said, I am very much appreciative of everyone’s love and concern. Had to say that so as not to have offended anyone with my previous statement.

    Being able to listen and identify with someone who has been a very similar place as yourself, who has come out ok, is a very uplifting experience. I’m very thankful to find people like this in my life.

    Enough rambling – So, the night was great and I had a chance to re-live some great memories and simply hang out and catch up with a good friend who’s presence was very comforting. I look forward to more nights like last night that help to place perspective on things and move past my own problems in the direction of a better life with new hopes and ambitions.

    About all that was said about “distractions” earlier; this was not a distraction but a tremendous help to me in moving through and out of this sea of reclusive disparity I’m been dwelling in for too long. To be clear – a distraction would be someone or something that would try to take my mind off my situation completely. AND, in conclusion to my night, I was in fact able to free my mind for a good while of my own trials and begin to see new views and a real light at the end of all this.

    So, thank you very much those of you who have provided me with counsel or simply listened to my rambling not just in this situation, but throughout my life in it’s entirety. But a special thanks to those of you, especially my friend last night, who do very much relate to what I’m going through and have provided me with comfort and counsel throughout.

    Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:4-6